Saturday, May 21, 2011

Farm Animals

"Animales que viven en la granja"

Los estudiantes exploran las differentes clases de animales que viven en una granja y sus caracteristicas. Uno de los productos en este tema es dibujar y pintar un animal y escribir una caracteristica.


Students create several products to practice the concept of fractions one of them is discover the way to share a pizza with two friends, illustrate and paint the drawing.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Texas map

Symmetry integrated to eastern egg time

Time Clocks


Los alumnos generan ideas para escribir un mapa de circulo acerca de la catarinas o mariquitas. Despues ellos dibujan y escriben caracteristicas acerca de las catarinas. Por ultimo hacen un dibujo con pintura y pincel de una catarina.

The students generate ideas to build a circle map about the ladybugs. Then they draw and write sentences describing the ladybugs characteristics At the end they make a drawing of a ladybug.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Presidents Days

Presidents Day

Students wrote about Abraham Lincoln.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Students-Parents' Writing Narratives Samples

Bilingual Centers

Syllabes Center

Computer Center

ABC Center

Initial Sounds Centers

Reading Center

Sand/Math Table Center

Drama Center

Word Walls

Math Word Wall

Science Word Wall

Social Studies Word Wall

English Word Wall

Spanish Word Wall

Winter Season